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Integration into large projects

It is usually not possible to modularize an existing codebase at once. Instead, we have to integrate Sheriff incrementally.

Next to automatic tagging, we introduce manual tagged modules step by step.

The recommended approach is start with only one module. For example holidays/feature. All files from the outside have to import from the module's index.ts, and it has the tags "type:feature".

It is very likely that holidays/feature depends on files in the "root" module. Since "root" doesn't have an index.ts, no other module can depend on it:

We can disable the deep import checks for the root module by setting excludeRoot in sheriff.config.ts to true:

export const config: SheriffConfig = {
excludeRoot: true, // <-- set this
tagging: {
'src/shared': 'shared',
depRules: {
root: 'noTag',
noTag: ['noTag', 'root'],
shared: anyTag,

Once all files from "root" import form shared's index.ts, create another module and do the same.