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The core package (@softarc/sheriff-core) comes with a CLI to initialize the configuration file, list modules, check the rules and export the dependency graph in JSON format.


Run npx sheriff init to create a sheriff.config.ts. Its configuration runs with automatic tagging, meaning no dependency rules are in place, and it only checks for the module boundaries.

verify [main.ts]

Run npx sheriff verify main.ts to check if your project violates any of your rules. main.ts is the entry file where Sheriff should traverse the imports.

Depending on your project, you will likely have a different entry file. For example, with an Angular CLI-based project, it would be npx sheriff verify src/main.ts.

You can omit the entry file if you set a value to the property entryFile in the sheriff.config.ts.

In that case, you only run npx sheriff verify.

list [main.ts]

Run npx sheriff list main.ts to print out all your modules along their tags. As explained above, you can alternatively use the entryFile property in sheriff.config.ts.

export [main.ts]

Run npx sheriff export main.ts > export.json and the dependency graph will be stored in export.json in JSON format. The dependency graph starts from the entry file and includes all reachable files. For every file, it will include the assigned module as well as the tags.